Understanding ANSI Escape Sequences in Windows: Examples in PowerShell and Batch Scripts

ANSI escape sequences are a powerful tool for controlling text formatting and color in command-line interfaces. While primarily associated with Unix-based systems, Windows also supports ANSI escape sequences, allowing users to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of their PowerShell and Batch scripts. In this article, we will explore the usage of ANSI escape sequences in Windows, with a focus on practical examples in PowerShell and Batch scripts.

1. Changing Text Color in PowerShell:
To change the text color in PowerShell using ANSI escape sequences, you can use the following code snippet:

Write-Host "`e[31mThis text will be displayed in red.`e[0m"

In this example, `e[31m` sets the text color to red, and `e[0m` resets the color to the default.

2. Applying Text Styles in Batch Scripts:
ANSI escape sequences can also be used to apply text styles in Batch scripts. Consider the following example:

@echo off
echo This is `e[1mbold`e[0m text.
echo This is `e[4munderlined`e[0m text.
echo This is `e[7minverted`e[0m text.

Here, `e[1m` applies the bold style, `e[4m` applies the underline style, and `e[7m` applies the inverted style to the respective text.

3. Creating Colorful Menus in PowerShell:
ANSI escape sequences can be combined with PowerShell's interactive capabilities to create visually appealing menus. Consider the following example:

$menu = @"
`e[32m1. Option 1
2. Option 2
3. Option 3`e[0m

Write-Host $menu
$choice = Read-Host "Enter your choice: "

In this example, `e[32m` sets the color of the menu options to green, and `e[0m` resets the color. The user's choice is then captured using `Read-Host`.

ANSI escape sequences provide Windows users with a versatile way to enhance the visual appearance and functionality of their PowerShell and Batch scripts. By leveraging ANSI escape sequences, you can easily change text colors, apply styles, and create interactive menus. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or power user, understanding and utilizing ANSI escape sequences in Windows can greatly improve the user experience and make your scripts more visually appealing.

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